Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

A ire: LY MARION, IND. CHRONICLE, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1930 FIRST AND BEST- USUAL OPEN: NATIONAL GROTTO MEETING INDIANAPOLIS, June By trains, automobiles and airplanes members' of grottoes of the United States and Canada were pouring into Indianapolis today for the 41st annual session of the supreme council, Mystic Order Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, a Masonic order similar. to the Shriners. The convention is being held here under the auspices Sahara Grotto, and 10,000 delegates were expected to arrive in the city today, Even. before, breakfast this delegations in gaily uniforms" headed by bands, paraded Indianapolis.

streets on the tray to hotels depots. The first official meeting will: be at the 'Indianapolis Athletic club tonight when a banquet will be tendered to Edward W. libbey, of grand monarch. The dinner will be limited to 500 guests only. grand monarch's ball will follow, at the Indiana ballroom after the dinner tonight.

The high spots of the convention of the Prophets here will be the parades tomorrow afternoon and on Wednesday night. Guard Baby's Lovely Skin Baby. comes to you so sweetly rosy, keep that exquisite skin always! With the soap that soothes wit cleanses- glycerin Jap Rose. Its silky bubbles keep tiny' pores cleansed of excretions the skin comfortably cool, with health. Because Jap Rose dissolves and rinses out instantly.

it keeps baby's hair bright and silky encourage its natural wave. 10c, all dealers. JAP ROSE SOAP Made by James S. Kirk Con Chicago: M. SCHULTHEIS Stenographer- -and- Notary Public PRICES REASONABLE 325 Glass Block Phone 1505 Legion Show Encounters Delay in Moving Train; Will Open Here Tuesday.

it alone a small fortune is invested. Fans will enjoy it and its exclusive thrills and. sensations. It is said to combine all the pleasure touches given the rider on all. other rides being operated.

While a large number of the old stand-bys in show life continue with the Dodson caravan the citizens will meet many new. faces and personalities. With big enterprise are 600 people. Pretty girls abound. Bounteous music, Performances and down-to-allspice.

continuouwo lifferent tent theatres will offer, circus, menagerie, museum, park, theatre, minstrels, musical comedy, zoo, wild west, rodeo, hippodrome, and carnival features. The American Legion boys are sponsoring the carnival, athe they are going to give last night a Whippet sedan, four door car as a gift of will and thanks for the patronage the public will extend during the week's engagement. RAILWAY WATCHMAN DIES WHEN HIT BY AUTOMOBILE MICHIGAN CITY, June 16. -Nick Pliski, 68. 8 railroad crosssing watchman, was dead here today, and Augusta Butts, 18, was being held by police, as the result of Pliski's being struck by Butt's automobile.

Police charged that young Butts tried to escape after the accident, but was caught by, pursuing motor: ists. held pending further investigation. Pliski died sevFeral hours after the accident. SPEND SUNDAY AT LAKE Chaplain and Mrs. B.

E. Greenwalt, Paul Greenwalt, Miss Ruth Barnes; Miss Lucille Greenwalt and Tommy Tobin were Sunday guests at Lake Webster. PIONEERS IN LOW Dr. F. A.

Rush PRICED DENTISTS DENTISTRY Over, and Merritt's Wash. Drug Sts. Store Crown and Bridges $5.00 Tooth $1.00 First Tooth Painless AFFORD TO Extraction PAY an PRICES YOU CAN an 50c Each Additional Buys This for We offer you No to pay high prices Life Like lowest prices in the city. the Month quality dental work at the 10 Plate During ALL WORK GUARANTEED of June Only EXAMINATION WITHOUT CHARGE UNAVOIDABLE DELAY For the first time, Dodson's World's Fair Shows ran amuck a Sunday railway law that stop-' pod them. This delay prevented arrival in Marion Sunday, and renders opening here tonight possible.

The two show trains will arrive this afternoon, and the opening will be Tueaday night. Thereafter, daily, afternoons and nights, through the week. Marion kids--ranging years from 7 to 70, more or legs- will have their disappointment rewarded a hundredfold, and then some, this afternoon, when the two long Dodson show trains sections will rumble into town over the Pennaylvania road and park for unloading. Taking the horses, ponies, freaks, tricky mules, trained dogs, playful monkey, wagons, chariots and wild animal off the all-steel "flats" and from the stock, baggage and sleeping cars, is always interesting and instructive. McClure's field will by nightfall loom A "town of canvas." W.

J. Kehoe, assistant general manager, rearer near Marion, Bays: "Every foot of the McClure acreage will be covered by tents, rides, and ca carnival Dodson's pathways." have right along featured riding devices. Two years ago with six modern rides their midway. A big city park. Think of it! This season twelve rides stretch through their said-tobe "million dollar" them midway.

Attention is called new ride -the Waltzer--that came here direct from factory, and has been up on the show grounds several days. In 021 f. Has been eliminated in the homes of 8 600 Marion women BLUE who own an MONDAY American Beauty Washer Entirely Out of the Cheap Washer Class Ask any American Beauty owner and they will tell you what a wonderful machine this washer really is. you washers that. look makes Wexcarry We 9 different, $138 most as good as American Beauty, for.

$64.00 $2.00 Down'- $2.00 A Week But myl. what a difference 4 when you get to; comparing they them do. You and the get' "work about, ASK FOR' A DEMONSTRATION 4 what you pay for in wash-' in other things. IN YOUR OWN HOME Broyles Electric Co. 119 W.

FOURTH ST. PHONE 347 1 THE MICROPHONE Alexander McQueen, famous among radio listeners a year or Ago 88 the Scrap Book Man, of station WSAI, Is to have a new period un the alr at WLW every Monday at 5 p.m. He calla his 15 minutes, "Nothing But the although ft will contain such strange facts As to make even the most gullible listeners a. bit. incredulous.

In answer to a question in the minds of thousands of young men and women who are being graduated from colleges this month, Meryle Stanley Rukeyser, financial writer and lecturer, will talk on "New Qualities That Are Sought in Business Leaders, over the CBS at 6:15 p. today. program of Spanish music by foremost Iberian composera, as well as othera who have written in the Spanish vein, will be heard during the broadcast at 7:30 p. m. today over WEAF and A the NBC atem.

Countess Olga Dedolaga Albani, soprano, will be the guest artist. The arrival -of Mrs. Watt's neice, Victoria Billings, from Australia and its subsequent effects upon young Elmer Thompking will be the subject of the Real folks program at 7:40 p. m. today from WJ2 and the NBC aystem.

M. SPADE WEBM WCCO WIBW WLW Lambert's Orchestra 4:00 Mormon Tabernacle Choir and WFBM WIBW WWNC WFIW. Organ (NBC). WWNC WEIW. Hawkins.

NBC SYSTEM WEAF CHAIN and Roas. P. 6:00 Symphonic Rhythm Makers Bernie 8 Orchestra. WTAM. 6:16 -Variety.


Singers. of Dreams WGY WWJ Party. WSAI WIBO KSD woc wow Amos 'n Andy Gibbons (NBC) WDAF. Poll, Floyd of the Shell WGY WWJ (NBC). Orchestra.

WSAI WENR K8D WOC WOW 10:00 Bernie'e WDAF WHAS WSM WTAM. Quartet. Lights WGY Teem's Orchestra. Now Yorker Orchestra 11:30 Sweet and Low Down. WWJ W'OC WOW WDAF.

-Henry Busse's Orchestra. Beach Hotel Orchestra WOC WSM KYW WWJ wowo WDAF WTAM. Evening in Paris. NBC SYSTEM WIZ CHAIN Male Chorus. P.

M. Queationa and Answers. Tabernacle Choir and Organ WLW WHAS. COLUMBIA M. SYSTEM Andy, blackface come.

dians KDKA WCKT. 6:00 The Crocket Mountaineers 5:15 Jesters WCKY. WADC WEBM WFIW. and His Gang WCKY Events, H. V.

Kalter- WIBO. born WFBM WFIW. Goes Abroad WR KDKA 6:00 -Melody Musketeers WAD 7:00 OrchestrA KDKA WUR KYW WKRC WOWO WFBM KATP WCKY WHAS. KMOX. Folks KDKA KYW WLW 8:30 Couriers WADC WKRC WEBM WUR, WMAQ KMOX.


M. WFUM. 9:30 Amo8 'n' Andy, Blackface Jeame Crawford, WKRC Poet of the dians KYW KWK WREN BIll Hay), Organ WADC WMAQ KMOX WWNC WFIW. WDAF WMAQ WHAS Orchestra WKRC WSM WMO WSB WIR WCKY. WEBM WWNC WFIW.

in Brief, Floyd, Gibbons, WKRC WFBM Broun'8 WFIW. Column Governor Clinton OrchesRadio WENR WIR WLW. Orchestra W'FBM. tra WEBC WIR KFA B. COLORED NOTES By MRS.

GERTRUDE HOOVER The fourth annual turn-out and the first annual memorial service held by the Marion Community Sisterhood Sunday afternoon at the Second Baptist church was 8 a decided success and well attended. splendid program was given. The Rev. William Oglesby, pastor of the church, delivered the sermon and remarks were given by the Rev. C.

S. Brown, pastor of Bethel A. M. E. church, and the Rev.

A. Brown, pastor of Calvary Baptist church. Elzora court, 77, Daughters of Isis, will hold the regular monthly busines meeting Tuesday night at the Shriners' hall. Members are asked to" meet o'clock in order for those who deaire to attend the Christian Alliance Missionary quintet of Cleveland, 0., concent to be given at the Civic hall. A Biblical pageant entitled "The Wreath of Righteousness" will be presented at Allen Temple A.

M. E. church Wednesday evening at 8:16 o'clock, sponsored the Anchor. club, and directed by Mrs. A.

Hill of Indianapolis, the author the play. She is a former Marion woman. The cast consists of characters, as follows: wisdom, Miss Deleane Stewart; spirit of truth, Mrs. Rilla Venters; the voice hope, service, Mrs. Miss Etta Orpha White; Ford; spirit faith, Mrs.

Thomas Boyd; the guardian angel, Mrs. Fredus Pettiford; tableauxists, Mrs. Clarence Black, Rilla Venters' and Ezra Murrill; arc-angels, little Miss Marteena Gulliford and Juanita Saunders; Christ child, Master Corey Cobb; the cross-bearers, 12 girls, Iva Hawkins, Donna Jones, Bonnie Dixon, Bertha Burden, Clara Wingo, Alice Waldron, Millicent. Smith, Olive Moore, Louise Clara Wilson, Florence Wilson and MildPettiford; floral wreath, lily, Miss Catherine Northern; pansy, Miss Corriene Ward; rose, Miss Harriett Russell; ivy, Miss Lola Fouce; pilgrims, joy, Mrs. Albert Ward; eagerness, Mrs.

Charles Shaffer; steadfastness, Mrs. George Butler; union, Mrs. Fred Fouce; saint, Mrs. Minnie Russell; love, Mrs. Noah Jones; obedience, Mrs.

Minnie Ponds; raillery, Mrs. Avis Stewart; earnestness, Mrs. Addie Frazier; sunshine, Mra. Asa Bennett; meekness, Miss Smith; eternity, Mrs. John Gulliford; narrator, Mrs.

A. C. Hill. Music will furnished by the N. A.

A. C. chorus with Miss Mildred Black Miss Corriene Ward as accompaniats; violin, Lewis P. Graham, saxophone, Sylvanus Bobson. admission will be.

fifteen cents. public is invited. The Junior Stewardess board Bethel A. M. E.

church will Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the parsonage. All members asked to be present. Mrs. Libbie Dempsey. The public is cordially invited attend the meeting of St.

Mary's W. C. T. U. to be held today 7:30 p.

m. at Bethel A. M. E. sonage, featuring an "open house" be given in part: addresses by session.

program of interest W. T. Bailey and Miss Deleane Stewart. Miss Claude Watkins Miss Mary Lindsey will have of the music. This meeting will of special interest to mothers children.

At the close refreshments will be served Bruce lodge, 16, Knights Pythias, will hold its regular ness meeting Wednesday night. full attendance of members is as the election of officers will weiner4 roast will be Thursday evening at- the school at Weaver under the auspices of the Sunday school of Hill's el A. M. E. church.

Refreshments will be served. Everyone is vited. An unique program, sponsored the school, will be presented Sunday. afternoon, June 22, Sheriff Locked in Cell; Alleged. Gunmen Rescued RISING SUN, June search was being continued today for Jack Tearle and Ralph Moore, alleged Indianapolis gunmen and rum runners, who escaped from the Ohio county jail here after four men, who came to them at the jail, overpowered Sheriff Leon Neal, locked the sheriff and his wife in a cell and leisurely drove away.

DITCH DECISION WILL BE GIVEN Ruling on the remonstrance of the C. 0. Railroad against the construction of Big Pipe Creek ditch will probably be made by Special Judge Oren W. Dickey within two weeks. Hearing of the remonstrance oc-cupied the circuit court throughout Saturday The chief complaint brought out by attorneys for the railroad was that they would be forced to detour their traffic during construction of the three Big Pipe Creek bridges West Marion and Converse.

It was brought out that the C. 0. company would have to build two cut-over switches, one immediately. west of Marion, and the other near Converse, which would connect the C. 0.

lines to the Pennsylvania tracks. In this way the C. ,0. trains would go around the construction, The C. '0.

attorneys pointed out that if construction of the ditch necessitatos the detour for the railroad, the C. O. company should ba compensated. Several other remonstrances which had been Aled against the ditch have been withdrawn. TWO WAR BUDDIES.

MEET TWELVE YEARS AFTER WAR CHARLEROI, Pa. -Twelve years ago two buddies -trudged their weary way through the shell holes and mud that constituted the Argonne sector in France. They were Herbert Dreyer of Bentleyville, and Frank Yates of Charleroi, two Pennsylvania cities only a few miles apart. Two weeks later, the armistice was. signed.

And here's the queer quirk of the story. Dreyer returned to Bentleyville and Yates returned to Charleroi and lived within A few miles of each other for twelve years. Yet they did not meet, since that night in the Argonne salient, until Dreyer entered 8 Charleroi cigar store here a few days ago, CAPITAL BUSINESS MAN DIES SUDDENLY AT HOME INDIANAPOLIS. June Funeral services will be here tomorrow morning for Daniel D. Brosnan, 72, for many years a prominent business, man here, who died suddenly home Sunday.

Among the survivors were two sons, Francis and Kevin -Brosnan, members of the 1930 graduating class at Indiana University. BRYAN HONORED BY UNIVERSITY, Tearle and Moore were arrested two weeks ago in connection with A gun battle between rum runners hi-jackers at Crose Plains in Ripley county. They were not definitely connected with the affair but were found to have concealed weapIons in their possession. They were being held on charges of illegal posgesison of firearms. GREENCASTLE, June J.

R. Bohannon, of Terre Haute, motorman, and Refford Ilinkle, master of Hymera, were, fering serious injuries today, and eight other passengers were recovering from minor cuts and bruises, as the result of a head-on collision between the T. H. I. and E.

Traction company's interurban cars at Fillmore, six miles east of here Sunday morning. MOTORMAN IS BADLY HURT WHEN INTERURBANS CRASH OWNER OF CAFE IS GUN VICTIM CHICAGO, June patrons of the Villa Rica restaurant today saw two gunmen shoot and kill Christ Patras, in a epirited gun battle which police say was the result of a gang feud. The two gangsters entered the restaurant and ordered food. After they had been served they strode over to Patras and conversed with him in low tones. Witnesses said they thought the three men were friends until the cafe manager denly whipped 8 revolver from beneath the counter and began firing.

The fire was returned, and Patras fell behind the counter with four bullets in his body. His assailants escaped without attempting to rob the cash register. Police are investigating a report tha: Patras' brother was slain in a similar fashion in Florida weed as a result of the same feud. WHEN YOU SEE NEED No charges, no fee. LOAN Interest Only Co Short or long time.

No. Side Sq. Phone: 502 Marion KLAUS AUTO SERVICE We are the authorized DUCO Refinishing Station! The ONLY Permanent Finish. There is only one DUCO! DU PONT DUCO 303 W. 2nd.

Phone 2788 4: WORCESTER. June Clark University bestowed on Prestdent W. L. Bryan of Indiana university, its highest honor, the i. D.

degree, in the annual commencement exercises today. It wag the second degree to be awarded' President Bryaa by this institution, the Ph. D. degree being given him here in 1892. Dr, Bryan graduated fr Indiaria: university in and gut his mumter's degree there in 1886.

He bas been president of Indiana university: since 1902. The Hoosier educator has previously received recognition with the awarding of honorary doctor of laws! degrees to him by. Illinois college, Hanover college, Notre Dame university, the University of Michigan! and the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Bryan worked here under the, eminent psychologist, Dr (.

Stanley! Hall, in the first psycho ogical laboratory to be established in the United, States. FAMILY DOCTOR MADE MILLIONS OF FRIENDS Hill's Chapel A. church at 3 o'clock. Some of the best local talent will be on the program. The public is invited.

The Needlecraft club was entertained afternoon at the home Wallace at Weaver with nineteen members present. Plans were made for a play to be given Friday evening, June 20, at Hill's Chapel A. M. E. Al church.

This week's meeting will be with Mrs. Mayme Hook at her home at Weaver. Mrs. Nancy Dayton, 0., Mrs. George Venters, accompanied where.

they visited Attorney J. C. Jones, patient at the Government hospital; Miss Ida Belle Jones and John R. Jones, Thursday. Attorney Jones, who has been ill for some time, is much improved and expects to return to Marion soon.

Mrs. Walter Brown of Cleveland, 0., is visiting her husband, who is employed. here. While in the city she will be entertained at the home of MrR. Nancy Wallace.

Word hag been received here stating the condition of Miss Ernestine Burton, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Burton, of Benton Harbor, is much improved.

MiAR C. Burton has been eritically ill for of several months. The attending phycian encouragement as to her 39 recovery. Mr. and Mrs.

Willis Mrs. Anna Varner, Mrs. Adeline of Gaymon and Gilbert Covbey, all of of Detroit, are spending a few: of days in the city as the guests of Mr. and William Julius and daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Hoover.

They are also visiting relatives and friends at Kokomo. RICHARD LOWE, FORMER ASSEMBLY MEMBER, DIES CRAWFORDSVILLE, June Lowe, 70, three times a representative in the Indiana general assembly, was deal here today. He served in the 1919, 1921 and state legislatures. Lowe was prominent in the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Indiana Historical ciety. LEADS REVOLT been arrested.

orator, Oxford graduate and first woman president of the Indian National Congress, Sarojini Naidu, above, now has. succeeded to the leadership of India's "civil disobedience" campaign against British rule. This unusual portrait study of her was made during her visi: to the United States last year. She has long been a co-worker of Mahatma Grandhi and Abbas Tyabji, Indian leaders wha have been arrested. Fifteen years after his graduation, Dr.

Caldwell became famous for 8 single prescription, which now, after forty years, is still mak-, ing friends: Today Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the world's most popular laxative. Millions of people never think of using anything else when they're constipated, headachy, bilious, feverish or weak; when breath is bad, tongue coated, or they're suffering from nausea, gas, or lack of appetite or energy. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is made today according to the original formula, from herbs and other pure ingredients.

It is pleasanttasting; thorough. In the most obstinate cases; gently effective for women and children. Above all, it: represents a doctor's choice of what is safe. for the -Adv. LAWN MOWERS The one that cuts the TALL GRASS.

If you see it you will buy it. Swanger McClain be P. and and The The of meet are to at parwill Mrs. and charge be and of busiA asked take given Weaver. Chapin- by The MONITOR TOP makes the finest.

electric refrigerator the most inexpensive to own! NO OWNER ELECTRIC GENERAL' You may purchase a has for service paid General Electric refrigerator from us and pay for it out of -your income by convenient monthly installments. DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $21.50 GENERAL ELECTRIC 17 months in which to REFRIGERATOR complete payment. Join we in the General Electric Hour, broadcast every Saturday evening on a nation wide N. B. C.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.