The Minority Voice, February 1-15, 2008 (2024)

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FEB 2008 Issue


The oFather of Black
History, ?
Carter G. Woodson

His message. was that Blacks

- Should be proud of their

heritage and that other
Americans should also
understand it.

RAG tet nen me a gleam

Shirley Chisholm

The first African-American
woman to be elected to the
U.S. Congress, An active
member of the Congressional

Black Caucus, Chisholm
made a bid for the 1972

Democratic presidential
nomination. .

7 CANDIDATES, " " " " " "___. o

_ Asa community leader, Monk was an exception to the rule,

on that, with one exception. Gaston Monk.

announcements about the organization's activities, From.


by CASH MICHAELS The Church in ae ame
Wilmi _ put Democrats; tate
eal i Th | Treasurer Richard Moore, Lt.
Several gubernatorial Gov. Beverly Perdue, and
candidates, in a televised retired Air Force Colonel
debate sponsored by the NC _ Dennis Nielsen, and the only
NAACP last weekend, not Republican to show up,
only acknowledged the __ " former state Supreme Court
lingering injustice and impact justice, attorney Robert Orr,
of the 1898 Wilmington race _on the record.
massacre, but pledged to do , , .
something ee it if elected Ort Ts fellow GOP Ters vying
in the fall. for governor " Charlotte
: Mayor Pat McCrory, state
Whether their pledges were Sen. Fred Smith of Johnston
sincere, or just election year County and Salisbury "
pandering to the state Ts black attorney Bill Graham " -
electorate who are expected skipped the NAACP debate
to turn out in heavy numbers _focusing on African- |
because of the presidential American issues. : eS , , 3
imaries and big November Lo, .. WRAL-TV anchor Gerald Owens (left) queries gubernatorial candidates (left to right) state
clection, was not clear, But Three empty chairs with their " Tyeasurer Richard Moore, former State Supreme Court justice attorney Robert Onl Lt. Gov.
their remarks during the hour- ®4Mes on them respectively Beverly Perdue and retired US AirForce Col; Dennis Nielsen during the NCNAAC?P televised
long debate at Union Baptist 4 -

candidates...... page3

debate last weekend [Cash Micha s video]

By Cherie Speller, The Daily Reflector

Items published in the community news column in The
Daily Reflector must be submitted in writing so that we can
have a record of the request and to provide more accuracy.
Bring the announcement in, mail it, fax it, e-mail it " but
give it to us in writing.

For fairness and organizational reasons, I Tve been a stickler

Mr. Monk died last week at the age of 85. He was a native of
Pitt County, served in the Army Air Forces, and was an
alumnus of Elizabeth City State University and N.C. A&T
State, University. He was a teacher and principal for more
than 30 years and volunteered with numerous groups in the
community. |

When Mr. Monk was president of the Pitt County Branch of
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, he and other branch members would bring in
time-to-time, someone would forget to do it.

That Ts when my phone would ring. The conversation would
go something like this:

nesses eS RET ith eens annem

ANNA BARRETT: Undecidded Thomas Savage: Thinks Hillary

oe er ere eerie Wares could win because of her husband
to hear a little more on where they + ice ladindiah i Tha
really stand on the issues, but not planning


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Minority Voice February 1-15, 2008 pg2

" " " " " " _ opINjons " " "
The Mis-Education of the Negro: 1933-2008

ae ee
*% tom,

by ALTON H. MADDOX JR the: white state. This is

Sen. Clinton Ts claim which still exists today. Whites in presidential election of 1876, Martin Delaney, Marcus .
Amajeninn News belittles the role of Dr. King in Jowa and New Hampshire which ultimately placed Garvey and Elijah Muhammad paganism. _ oh
: securing voting rights select the Democratic Blacks under the jurisdiction _is now out of order, It stopped ie }
legislation in 1965, presidents of the United of the KKK. Unreliable functioning completely after Only a working knowledge
| , States. Bill Clinton failed to voting machines will be in Brown v. Board of Education, __ of history can connect our
Assuming arguendo that Cong. Win either Iowa or New play in South Carolina on ; a ; past with the present and
Rangel is correct when he Hampshire in 1992, but he January 26. Where are Whites have a winning pave our future, It starts
argues that it was President: . sit became the stagdafd: =~ election monitors when we formula for staying on top. . with the teachings of
Lyndon B. Johnson, and not ? T hearer of the Democratic need them? _ Blacks have a losing formula _Ptahhotep. We have gone
Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., who ~~ Party. This was the sole i weg for staying atthe bottom of the from the obest and the
meritoriously signed the exception. A victory in New The white media reported that totem pole. As a matter of law, brightest ? to the odumbest
, legislation, he would, Hampshire usually _ Sen. Clinton won the _ whites embrace the doctrine of _ and the dullest. ? No oBlack
Sey etity-five years ago, this nonetheless, have to concede manufactures a standard - Democratic caucuses in stare decisis. This means that Messiah ? is on the horizon.
month, Dr. Carter G. W, oodson that it was signed with the " bearer for.the Democratic Nevada although Nevada they must follow the teachings Let Ts start February with a
ublished oThe Mis. _ blood of millions of Blacks Party. ! gave Sen. Obama the most "_of their ancestors. yearning for learning our
bd, cation of the Nesro. ? Itis Stating with Crispus Attucks | convention delegates. This is 7 history.
stepair book on ef fe and continuing beyond the Despite the ruling in Smith v. __ like the white media reporting As a matter of racial ree: sy
| tite ies of sl mp hich assassination of Malcolm X. "_Ajiwright, the white primary that Sen. Al Gore won the accommodation, Blacks The oThriller in Manila I
Sere) Os Savery whuc] | ~ continued in South Carolina T " White House in 2000 despite summarily reject the teachings _ was held in Myrtle Beach,
have given rise to the Sadly, it took 178 years for until 1948 when J. Waites his loss to Gov. George W. of their revered ancestors. It SC on Dr. Martin L. King
_-. maintenance of the badges of Blacks to simply secure voting Waring, a federal district Bush in the Electoral College. would be impossible for Black Day. It harbored neither the
oe slavery, af Dx, Woodson were rights and, afterwards, Blacks court judge in South Carolina, Unfortunately, the U.S. leadership to start behaving principles of non-violence
. i or Steals | are still treated as oheathens ? ied it unconstitutional. Gov. Constitution permits the white like Callié House, Denmark "_ nor resembled the Wiley
ee under the U.S. Constitution. strom Thurinond of South media to practice racial Vesey, Henry McNeal Turner College debating team. Sen.
Fo. The American Revolution Was _ Carolina saw the handwriting discrimination in reporting and Monroe Trotter among "_llinton, who was playing ©
rts ina field, foughtunder the mantra of ono " the wall and he became a _the news. others. the dozens, was in the ring
was acquired @%ation without. oDixiecrat. ? = while Bill Clinton was in
nce. Dr. "=«Tepresentation. ?New cay. mn. g, Black leaders have steered us Religion also explains our er comer. Sen. John
d that the -- Hampshirehasamore oPitchfork ? Ben Tillman had back into Jim Crow Forty- _ plight. Blacks embrace a Edwards was on the ropes.
fachievement POignant motto: olive free or rewritten the State constitution five years ago, our leaders pagan ethic which elevates Don King was MIA.
ume was also his oue. ? Neither phrase applies, in 1895 to exclude the Black were Revs: King and Adam self-preservation over racial oe as
ent disabili ty. He Positively, to Blacks, - vote, His political heirs still Clayton Powell, Jr. and Min. sacrifice. Whites, on the other Jan. 30 UAM Ts weekly
sade Wadvocate amare oo ogc de Teside te South Carolina. - Malcolm X. Today, our _ hand, are urged to sacrifice forum at the Elks. Plaza,
pe aekben ode aca Blacks have failed to perceive _ Judge Waring would later leaders are Revs; Jesse themselves for the sake of the 1068 Harriet Tubman
re 0 et eal ? iy ina the difference between create the legal rationale in Jackson, Al Sharpton and race, Black preachers advocate (Fulton Street) nr. Classon
gk: he speaapapeietigs political representation and = Brown y, Board of Education. Floyd Flake. This is evidence personal happiness by. "AVe. in Brooklyn at 7:30
oOver my Harved aduecien, ? Political presence. Vong only [ygwayi ome © that we have moved preaching JOY. This means pam. Take the oC ? taint
| over my Marvard education. ? ~ guarantees political presence. supremacists gave him aone- backwards from a putting Jesus first, others next FranklinAve, =
April 1950-was.a bad month took an armed revolution for way ticket out of South * " gerontocracy. There is no (whites) and yourself last. This ie paste
for the Black world. Three Nensililin ib scelne oom | Colina. He and his wife fled substitute for talent, will ensure Black JOY. ii UAM's weekly fori at
Pepsin Faese died ae representation for themselves, © iliac The federal government has Thus, Blacks behave like crabs the Elks Plaza. "
® tient mee ; These white supremacists will not only tampered with our _in a barrel. The First Coe cemasion call
men, through their works, If Alexander Hamilt } pre OF only tampered United African Movement at
odels of excellence exander Hamilton reappear on January 26. South history and culture but also Amendment shortchanges the 718-834-9034. See:
nes eft ° ae visio returned to New York today, Carolina was the site ofthe ourreproductive system.A Tight of Blacks to enjoy -
ek ey fe us ; " lonary he would swear that slavery oHamburg Massacre ? and reproductive system which _eligious freedoms. There is an _for oKKK and the Jena 6, ?
navigate jim Crow. was still in effect. Politically " played a key role in has successively given us interracial cohabitation UNA ee» Sane
ie! oo Stabe bots ok ae aa, gentanchising Blacks inthe David Walker, Nat raat. otvioen the Black church and piss vine is Worhien ?
: Weg, & Oey ok eat: = vai. . ee ? i
Be a Fad BE Illegal immigrants enjoy more ff! pn saben ge gah | | ap
_ This group anckided the + rights than Blacks who have e eo ho ee a,
ottnmetenina " Sengreamceattrtes 1 Maybe there is hope for a black president, maybe
a a 0 ation. } as :
mind, the egal architect for COmnDutions fo this m Oy Gabriel A. Fraive racial discrimination, Before heritage or thatmy , - "_remember seeing signs,
_ combatting Jim Crow in the By distinguishing freedom Carolina Peacemaker we moved into the house in Frandparents were from Don't put the Pope in the
United States and the medical from slavery, Hamilton argued, 7 which I was to grow up, one Mexico, but because my skin White ous. There had
architect of blood plasma. otn the former state a manis | Barack Obama Ts super of the neighbors circulateda was a little darker than theirs, neves bee a ee |
These men, respectively, were governed by the laws to which ff showing on oStiper_ tition to try and keep the they knew I wasn Tt white. Lsksepm tnt ae ak
Dean Charles Hamilton he has given his consent, -§ Tuesday has put a little exicans out. Fortunately for ae : me a0
Houston, Dr.CarterG. ithe an Lor by hi chink in the armor of us, the majority of the I write this to let you know went. And yet...
Woodson and Dr Charles ? liebe rhss! de cynicism I wear about neighbors didn Tt support her 8'?,?W Up super sensitive to Pat
Dig oo : geen VG; Ht ie latter, be ? ica being able to elect and we moved in. I was only _COlored skin issues. And for There is a lot about Obama
" Wo 4, Is governed by the will of a black man president. I three years old. And although that reason when Barack than reminds me of
Despite the verbal warfare ?"?HOther. In one case, his life " Fhave to admit when I first [don Tt remember the tension Obama first declared his. - Kennedy, the charisma, the
that has erupted over the «SN Property are-his own; in heard that black man was of that time Lameme finn ry utions to run for president, ability to cross racial lines,
peered __ the other, they depend upon even considering running thought it was insane. the fact he is trying to do
presidential campaign of Sen. the pleasure of his master. ? fl for president Ilaughed, no The house was on the fringe America is not going toelecta something no one else has
Barack Obama, Negro» way America would elect a of an all white neighborhood, black man president, even if ever before done.
History Week ? has failed to. jp slavery, we went tothe I black man. which, of course, had the best he Ts only half black. Half , ,
pique our historical interests cotton fields and returned to aes school. One block west and I black, heck, that Ts even worse, So, I Tm weakening. Maybe
beyond.7 days in February. the stave quarters. Today, we | But two things have started " would have gone to a mixed ._, _, __ My young friend is right.
Obviously, oNegro History imply gotothe pollsand fftochange my mind, my age _Latino-black school. One But current election victories Maybe race is a :
Week ? should bea matter of return to the ohood ? nniless, aNd my memories of John F. block south andI would have side, I had a younger person generational thing. Maybe
concem of Congressmen No Black effort is afoot io Kennedy. jone to an all black school, tell me the other day that race those who didn Tt grow up
Charles Rangel and John ememen ivan 9 @L00t to mie Puck me, I was one of just.a 18.4 generational thing, that "_with white only lunch
Lewis, former Atlanta Mayor Secure Political power. We = Hi grew up urban, ethnic and ,ukY of Latinos in this all Older people (like me) think in counters, with only balcon
ee tanta Mayor T enjoy no more political rights fl Working class. All my white school. - . "_ " terms ofrrace, but younger _seats open to them at the
Andrew Young, and Robert today than we did in slavery. family and all their friends | people don Tt. theaters, with fathers
Johnson, current owner of the This is termed the oIllusion of were steel workers. They "_ lived every day with the | threatening bodily harm if
NBA's Charlotte Bobcats, Inclusion. ? worked hard, played rough "_ horror of being different of . It made me think. Yep, I know you so much ag looked at
| and in sone were being ocolored. ?"Ihad - "* think that way. I see a black their daughter, maybe to
None of these men have made Thurgood Marshall always skeptical and contemptible "_ teachers grade me differently, an ora white man.Idon Tt those who weren't forced to
Dr. Woodson proud and they maintained that his greatest of most things. It was a Thad parents not let me date. S¢¢ aman, I can Tt help it, al differ
should revisit a course in legal victory was Smith y. place called Gary, Indiana, a _ their daoghiery Thad a Living prior to and during the heir tit
-:- logic. For example, Mayor Allwright and not Brown v, _ f steelmill town southeast of football coach who wanted to Civil rights transformation I
... Young argues that former Board of Education. The § Chicago, just across the know, oWhy don Tt more of _ Temember all too vividly the
°°: President Bill Clinton is Illinois-Indiana border. It is your people play football? ? hatred that spewed forth from :
Supreme Court had to address f the rust bel ee POO f y the mouths of white people
beer than Sen. Tm nag the-consttutionality of Texas T Part of the rust belt eee Oe ad ae look of pues Candidates of change have
bedded down more Black, ite primary system, which I During the 1950s and 60s, ised Ui bom and eyes. Butit Ts different for: a hard time. Believe me 1
than Sen, Obama, Pate Blacks from selecting ['when twas growing up. ? Mp avens were States. "hose younger. know, it Ts hard for me to
women than Sen. Obama. political candidates, Gary was extremely racist on baseball, mom, . ae ome. oe Liss I
, uy anc » pie: Mi : , but it Ts ) ose white
_ That argument could be used "The Supreme Court, in 1944, Selijeal ane fara fpr WWI t the pats ing paspec going into all those
to expose Thomas Jefferson's overturned Grovey v. Elections were bought and ted for _ force it'was when I grew up. polling places and being
sexual promiscuity but i$ Townsend, decided in 1935, sold like used automobiles. x. Whatdidhe rpeople may alone with their options to
conclusion would stillbea because only two of the L 8 Were passed about, nean. my people _ Uxperiencs im, | tit isn Tt vote, maybe for a
fallacy, Throughout our justices in Grovey were still on f/empty promises given.One = Soe astve) it isn Tt the main man, I still see them pull
existence in North America, the court in 1944, Grovey had f time We even re-elected a W up thinking there were Obstacle they : that anti-black lever, But
87%. white men have been able to ruled that the rules of a § mayor who was in jail at the black people, yellow , there I go, showin my
=~ treat Black women like sex Political party fall outside the § Mme. It Ts no wonderIhave 3 J white people and I wasn Tt The other thing 1 43. age, When was the last
_, toys with impunity, What is few of , ; ways had very little black or yellow, It wasn Tt thinking anybody saw a
* oes purview of state action which ff for the political got into junior high about is John Tam machine with a lev.
»:5-. Mayor Young Ts positionon implicates the Fourteenth If Thadn Tt married pire a 3 Iwasn't | 0d enough to emery oh when 3
ty ti Tawana Brawley ? Amendment. Thus, a political a rake woman I probably white. he ran for
$ party was free to engage in vould have never even ae _ time the f
4 } mination, Grovey registered to vote, no way he
che mary ru Growing up a 0
tes ay color, | ma Latino, a
rats spite Supreme Court } Mexican-American; I was
pee T dent, the white primary taintec WHO Te Driish 0
Di \ Pau \ . {


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a 7 Minority Voice February 1-15, 2008 pg3

. an abrupt end to a warm Mak | 3
Gast oaks ee odin | Debate e a few promises income
i gaps of oppm Vital Statistics Always speak the truth _ Save when you are young, "
~ remark by saying oThank , never play games of chance to spend when you are old. "
| igi ? tad the taethe a Question: | Gaad ek intoxicating drinks "_Be thrifty. It Ts not what you
~ occasion to pass our 2,825 children and Should students be suspended evervihing clea There a he Ce what you save.
friendship back to the - teens killed by guns _for inappropriate dress? Se ne cut. Recannet be rent dered. tay
seein Wino tanaied: a . injured much except by your conversation are the sinews
thoughtful ees inthe From2003 to 2007, Inappropriate dress includes: pacts of virture
first place. 2,495 US soliders cep your own secrets, If you Never speak evil of anyone,
killed in combat in Wearing revealing clothing have an Don Tt be a gossiper
Never say oshut up ?, Iraq , ; ; Do not marry until you are Keep honest if you would
ostop ?, osit down ? " these a ? beh ts Promoting sexual _ able to assume adult responsi- be happy "
Mrs Beatrice Maye" Negative words " 58 preschoolers killed behavior, alcohol, and drug bilities. = _ _ Atnight, think over what
oi Deaitice Maye T sss use tase positive by guns abuse _____ If anybody speaks evil of you, you have done during the
| ' words " oPlease stop , Clothing des let your life disprove it day
To the Editor: talking ?, oPlease pay * S7 law enforcement a othing designed to offend When you speak to anyone,
The three most beaut attention ?, oPlease have a officials killed in the oifferent social groups look into his eyes READ THE ABOVE CAREFULLY
words in the language ae oSeat. ? | line of duty Ss RULES FOR jake no haste to be rich AND THOUGHTFULLY, AT
Love You ? and the two most ory Gakia 45 billion dollars the CHRISTIAN LIVING ive within and tithe your Poel ONCE A WEEK
pe rene are oThank You ?, associates md family for beg sate eee cris your life to J r |
or both expressions are said 4) sg save ifthe numberof UT See ae to aeons 4 ~
with aswa 4 and sitceri "_ _ their eae ration " for dropouts were cutin Christ and join His church Candidates front page....
communicating genuine trying to p ease you, You half. Be Christlike in thought,
affection and appreciation Sint nate! a Ole 5s ane ? word and deed av daily Were placed on the st: tate Ts deatt
among humankind, = gain. (NEA, April 2007) oead the Bible and pray daly ne stage. Sains pr vege
While oI Love You ? is hand well SSK oThere isn't any doubt that that thy criminal janine
generally reserved for special». 9 ". were were injustices done system did not treat African-
frie nds and family " oThank Beatrice Maye eC that need to be redressed in Americans equitably.
you ? is for everyone. oThank our legal system, ? Treasurer Se
yous ? we presenteachday __ ~ Moore said regarding the ? oThere is a difference, here in
can have a profound and Talk Back 1898 massacre and the impact North Carolina; when you
pleasing effect upon every life | it has had historically on look at the statistics, ? state
we touch " most especially black business progress in the Treasurer Moore said,
our own. One of the ways No more sweets state. oI think most North he added that he did believe
we can improve our act of Carolinians have no idea that in fair administration of
positive thinking is to the only duly oected capital punishment because, o
eliminate the words oYou Tre " With chi ; sovernment to be overthrown there is biblical evil amongst
welcome ? from our style of the rise, along with other by force in the entire history us, ?
conversation. For when - "_weight-related health issues of this nation, was in
someone says oThank you ? uch as Type Il diabetes an 1 Wilmington, N.C. little over Former state Supreme Court
" and we reply with oYou're heart discse sdacanes 100 years ago. Justice Robert Orr said, oI
welcome ? " we are actually most definitely fhned to | oth think we all understand that
acknowledging and taking "_ "_serve their students health 1 th Spe cone, historically, racism has,
credit for some act of our own foods J af at need T to be righted, unfortunately and tragically,
thoughtlessness and, in so a f look forward to having been a part of the criminal
doing, we are really putting (NEA, April 2007) © Opportunity to right Justice system, ? going on to
ea them. add that it is the responsibility
. ay UNS ASIAS -IGl4 at assur dor i Atty.-Orr bluntly said. of public o i to make
whifé supremacy campaign of served on the bench for 18
1900 did everything [it] could years, said reforms are needed
to eliminate opportunities for to improve the system to
eu ; . others, ? but he offered no desi almess, especially
Cee ee Nea ae commitment to redress. "
pe T Council dar her work with the " oNo dog anarte cuits Whe a k Lt. Gov. Perdue says while
oath oe eadershiP Domes Violence Cente, underog tha fn iselfonSaleTeeallSuchenieneg S288 pore of the deh
: 100 Incredible ECU Women " Greenville Homeless Shelter, top. ? _ increase training in areas rere. See 9 the
, "gt ER ac Pitt County Senior Citizens, a needing more job capital punishment currently
Sane ne ~ and for leading the effort to Terence Blacker development. in place, the teaaht of wr A
ee Thad the pleasure of connect Greenville Ts African- Lt. Gov. Perdue not only litigation over the state
__, Suejette A. Jones attending an event recently at American community to East. called the Wilmington race Médical Board refusing to
Pane. the Greenville Convention Carolina University. She o : adice of Tot oawful, ? but allow doctors to take part in
eee eccaly Reais ty. _ oHe who makes a paradise of » but added that exiiciilians
Center, honoring 100ECU hosted and produced Diversity his bread makes ahell of his oN° forced sterilization of Perdue said pega hong
Women whoare acampus hunger ? poor white an black women ye she also supports
distinguished alumnae in the " TV show, and is a guest host vets klaeters for over 50 Yours sevidies dah as which
areas of public service, of the local show Minority _Aitonio Porchia penbks ate convictions to see if there is
Performing arts, fine arts, Voices, produced by Jim .y oIt was one of the most _ - "-¢Xcullpatory evidence proving
_ business and industry, sports, Rouse, ownerof WOOW- _ ",_, °° Sa make more friends heinous things I've heard of innocence. =
education, health sciences, ... radio station, in two months by becoming . that have made my blood Perdue éaid if
media, research, and ye - Interested in other people than boil, ? Perdue said. oThose ges sis
professional. Each a leader A motivational speaker, she Youcan in two years by women should be paid back. Sore tha false prose
inher owntight and "-- "= "«Tepresents at many national tying to get other people of Gem are sill live. ? ti. aac Miede leans
collectively they represent the conferences. AMarquis interested in you. ? However, as presiding officer Johnson or othe Duke soccer
_ Very best of East Caroling - "»«iographee, she is listedin Ho. of the state Senate, there is no ©, "a mistaken reference
University, Who's Who in America, Pe Camegie evidence that Perdue to the infamous Duke lacrosse
wie i stale MT
ie ee at Ube on egis. or ei = fig mai
Loberts, A descendants of the 1898 Retired Col, Nielsen pledged
PH AF : ~ Gelight. The sane sumisa sterilization victims. too, would root out
AC ane: tae 3 bitterness when you expected prosecutorial misconduct.
aay : he a ae : Perdue suggested during the .
- dynamic with her keen 4A sid ted Vial 7 debate that All four candidates were also
Ri vi ge and youth have the as governor, she sosingt collective barpai
Perspective to current issues same appetites but not the Mark Twain would help minority for public bargaining
spellbound, © "@ with the state. woalinas be
, seers } Magalena Samozwaniec ss, ; rae strike oe
Among the 100Incredible = - oWecan only be said tobe Tgag\yclven didn Tt address
ECU Women, was Nell | alive in those moments when giving tax breaks to small Noting that North Carolina
an author, oour MES corn de has along tradition as an ant-
The issues of concern put oandidates all vowed, if
forth during the NCNAACP olected governor, to improve
debate ranged from helping development efforts
black businesses to stemming © that North Carolinians
the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in T Would have good jobs with
the -American good ,
community. ae
None of the candidates candidates cont. pg4. . .

SS A RR MR mR sag .
ne eres =


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@ Hine wtsS ere ha ES ee

EN eS en ee a

Minority Voice February 1-15, 2008 ped

WINPOP oWomen In Pursuit of.
Purpose ?

Pastor Sheila Ingram pictured with late

The Servant the Slave and
the King

Life flows out of our bellie, we
have within us kingly spirit that
rules the rest of our total
personality. John 7:38 out of
his belly shall flow rivers of
living water; Jesus has to be
king Paul knew this well, living
through his persecution. God
used this one man to introduce
Grace. He was sent to the
Gentile which brought
opposition from the Jews. Have
you ever had anything come
against you.

I am firm believer that when -

you soul search you position
yourself for greatness, When
you come to terms with
yourself you gain power. Time
has allowed us to adopt
behaviors and set in motion a
story that can be played out in
masquerade or in truth. Pain,
despair and division set us up
for personal wrecks if we don Tt
identify and face the things that
hold us hostage. The Lord has
come to give liberty to set the
captive free. He has given us
power that remains untapped
because of the issues of life that
speaks louder than the work of
God concerning our lives.

Man is a spirit who possesses:a-

soul and a body God made
mans spirit his Pnuma (Greek)
to be a King not a slave. God
made mans spirit to rule;
otherwise the soul and the body
will take over dominance.
They will become kings ruling
in their own domain. Man Ts
three fold personalities is so
closely knitted together that it
takes the all powerful word of
God to divide the soul the

Candidates front page 3....

~The issue was the c - Offices they, and other
a surrounding alleged poor members of the
fo working conditions at the _ administration should be held
Smithfield Meat Packing accountable for the poor state CT aa
Plant, and the opposition of education.
management has shown in Penive af reaches. said H ONORING
allowing workers to vote ina Perdue, a former teacher, said
union. ° she believes in a odiverse D R MakrrIN L UTHER KIN G JR.
learning environment. ? As Be Out Ban Bonping
Both attorney Orr and governor, Perdue said she Out Bail Bong
Treasurer Moore said they would push for increasing we :
were not opposed to resources to help students' _ bee
employees unionizing there. with reading and math the use Alonzo J. Wiggins _
Moore said as governor he of diagnostic assessment Greenville, North Carolina |
would not tolerate obad testing, establishing strong
corporate behavior, ? and he mentoring programs, and (252) 367-0993 (Cell)
would not favor any doing what Ts necessary to oPick up the phone, (252) 353-1885 (Alt)
incentives for attracting new keep students motivated and Ifyou want to go home. ?
o~\ industries to the state unless it staying in school. .

guaranteed good jobs.

st CD release available at


Lt. Gov. Perdue said if elected
governor, she would establish
a workers T grievance
commission so that
allegations of poor working
conditions at worksites could
be officially addressed.

Psyche from the spirit the " . sie

puma, Moving or Adding Utility

1 Corinthians 2; 14 Says; but Services?

the natural man receives not the " "

things of the spirit of God for

they are foolishness unto him

Greenville Utilities offers these tips to protect your family and your
On the poor state of education property.

in the state, particularly with
an escalating dropout rate and
failing schools where black
students are in the majority,
the candidates all promised to

take decisive action if elected.

oWe're failing our children, ?

We have a conflict within us.
Our soulical parts want to
dominate our spiritual parts...
Paul tells us in Romans we
have to fight to subdue it.

* Ifyou have natural gas, you must be home when your service is

* We encourage you to be home when your electric and water
services are connected as well,

| * Before your electricity is turned on, make sure all heat producing
__ appliances (stoves, ovens, toasters, space heaters, clothes dryers,

There Ts a battle for Moore exclaimed, adding that hai dryers, etc.) are off or unplugged,

authority! ny it is no accident that counties * Ensure all water connections (faucets, ice makers, washing machine
with the highest dropout rates hookups, etc.) are completely off when your water is turned on.

| . 14, also have the highest _ | :

Three dominate areas or worlds dominate areas or worlds unemployment rates in the For additional information about getting new services connected,

The mind- no person has ever state. j visit or call 752-7166.

penetrated the depths of the
abilities that God has instilled |
within the human mind.

If elected, Moore promised to
hold principals and teachers



, .- more accountable.
The second is emotional life: ppb
these worlds are like chains Attorney Orr said since X Utilities
sometime you can Tt tell where Moore and Perdue both have
emotion ends and thoughts input n the state Ts education 227166401 8. Greene Saree wn guecom

policy per their respective

begin, or where thought ends
and emotions begin.
You are an emotional creature
Emotions is beautiful whentied
to a born again spirit. You Tre
(Pnuma) Spirit. The third is

ieaeieaiiamieemeiniaaaa eT

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a 3 oe .
A f o3 9-347) ee ee | Pyeyey 1 fw /
PSE aU Ald f tee CORLL? | Pe JELATC}

your willpower this is the area : aes Le oUOuU atta oYOuW tT SPOUSe

of decision. see od . i}
A will without God, a person to join them at the F
can become very stubborn and . |

very difficult for anybody to get
along with. Even Jesus said not
my will but they will be done.
Stay tuned for part 2 The
Servant the Slave and the

Pastor Sheila Ingram

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View Image 5


Gaston Monk cont, from front part

oHey, Cherie, this-is Gaston

oHello Mr, Monk: How are
~ you? ?

oT'm doing fine. I need to
get an announcement in
about the mass meeting
Sunday night. ?

oOK, Mr. Monk .... ?

You might wonder how he
got away with doing that so
easily. I Tve been thinking
about that myself after .
learning about his death,

He didn Tt yell or fuss, wasn Tt
pushy about it. He just asked
in his humble, quiet way.

I don Tt quite understand it,
but Mr. Monk was not
someone you could tell
oNo, ? at least not easily,

That was true not only for
me, but for others, too,

including D.H. Conley, who
Was superintendent of Pitt

County Schools.

As the head teacher of the
black Warren Chapel

School, Mr. Monk asked
Conley for the new text
books the state had provided
for county students instead
of settling for the discarded
books from the white school.

In a 1999 interview with The
Daily Reflector, Monk
explained, oNobody ever
asked (the superintendent)
anything like that before,
everybody else been takin T
them, but I Tm new and all
and I don Tt know any
better. ?

Without notice, Mr. Monk Ts
new books were delivered
one day, piled up in the

The books weren Tt the only
request Mr. Monk made of
the superintendent. When he
was principal of the black
Nichols School, the used
piano the PTA had raised T
money to purchase was
destroyed by mice while it
was stored over the summer.
oT told (the Superintendent)
my folk scratched, sold
tobacco, chipped in their
little money to buy that
piano, and I don Tt feel like
asking oem any more. We
need a piano. ?

The Nichols School got a
brand new piano.

Mr. Monk worked in the
public schools through the
difficult times of
segregation, then integration.
By the time he retired as
principal of Ayden Middle
School in 1989, blacks and
whites had settled into
learning together. They had a
great teacher. " oa

Cherie Speller is associate
editor for readership and
community news at The
Daily Reflector. Contact her
at 329-9512 or


Gaston Monk Ts list of
contributions is lengthy: time
spent on the Pitt County
Board of Social Services, a
member of the advisory

board for State Employees

Credit Union and the
secretary-treasurer for Bell
Arthur Water Corporation.

oHis greatest gift in life was
truly helping his brother, No
matter when, no matter
where any brother in need, ?
Mr. Burthey of Burthey
Funeral Service in Durham
NC said.

The Elizabeth City State
Teacher Ts College and N.C.
A&T State University
graduate also spent 14 years
as president of Pitt County Ts
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored

oHe was a great leader to
serve under, ? said Calvin
Henderson, the current Pitt
County NAACP president
who served under Monk until
2003. oHe had a great
concern for equality and
Justice for all people. ?

Fortunately, he said Monk
never ceased stopping by the
county office to oshare,
encourage and advise ? to the
new leaders.

oIt Ts a great loss not only to
the NAACP but to the
community, county and
state, ? he said,




|| |
a fhe







For those of you who don Tt
believe that GOD is still on
his strong protecting his
children, the outpour of
prayers, support, and money
sent to Bishop Royal during
his time of need clearly
shows that he is still in the
helping business.

The event was very
successful. Some fifteen

groups/ individuals

volunteered their talents for
the event, and all attendees
were inspired by the various
presentations. We heard
talents from all aged groups
and four counties (New
Bern, Rocky Mount, Wilson
and Pitt Counties).

Some $3,700.00 was raised
before the event: some
$1,300.00 was raised during
the event with some $

, i i hoe

___Minority Voice February 1-15, 2008 pps

1,000.00 raised after the event.
A check was presented to
Bishop Royal in the amount of
$5,000.00 at his church during
the 11:00 clock service on
December 10, 2007. The
remaining amount was :
presented to him at his home.

On behalf of Bishop Royal, his
family, Philippi Church, and
the Fundraising Committee,


I thank all participants in this.
fundraising effort for being
obedient and odoing everything
in love ? as stated in I
Corinthians 16:14. We pray
that GOD xtends his blessings
to you and your family in an
exponential manner.

- Cliff Hickman, MSW

Fundraising Chairman


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View Image 6

Minori Voice Feb

1-15, 2008 pe¢

Sycam ore Chapel Celebrates Move

by Elder Michael Adams the previous location of the underwent a great loss when '

The Sycamore Chapel Philippi Church OfChrist the Philippi Church moved.
Church family moved from previous location. Bishop People without transportation
it Ts previous location from the Royal Ts staff had to weed in the immediate vicinity
ooutskirts of the city to the , appl _.... Wene left without the fellow.
inner city of Greenville NC. this trandaction Was ? alge and wenice hata "
on Feb 2nd with a Family and made. After attending this caring Church family brings
Friends Day event on it Ts new event I believe the family of to 8 community. ?May God
Campus at 1610 Farnwille Sycamore Chapel is up for the Bless You" Pastor's B.T.&
Blvd. Everyone knows this as challenge. The community Deborah Walston.


will host an


" Curriculum Fair

for Rising Ninth Grade Students

to assist parents and students with detailed information about curriculum options
and other important special interest topics,


enim atEmeind.

" Pitt C

ounty Schools
On behalf of the 23,000 students in the Pitt County Schools, we thank you for your tremendous
Support of the quarter percent sales tax last November. The proceeds from this sales tax will help
ree our school district with current and future facility needs.

In an effort to make the best use of these dollars, we will begin a detailed planning process in

February. We invite you to bea part of the planning process by participating in one of our
Listening Sessions.

Listening Sessions
Dates and Times

February 12 - South Central High School
February 18 - Ayden-Grifton High School
February 25 - Farmville Central High School
February 26 - North Pitt High School
March 10 - D. H. Conley High School
March 11 - J, H. Rose High School

**Bach listening session will take place in the

school Ts
This ja grea Media Center beginning at 6:30 p.m,
4 is , a vude March 3 008 tue to ain . =e "a main * nomen me ee einsweseraee ane amneannenamedicae ee I
Aydea-Grifton High Schoo be 490 pm. (Auditorium) Pct wr and Our goal during each of the Listening Sessions is to gather your thoughts about key areas affecting
to ask questions that will future growth and facilities planning. We want to hear from you regarding:
. ~ help you to make a

D. H. Conley High School Thursday; February 21, 2008 haf bat te ch nd * Grade configurations (K-2, 3-5, K-8, 6-8, etc.)

6:00 - 8:15 p.m. (Gymnasium) when'risistetin * Utilization of existing space

students f - their : oh * Traffic patterns and safety

Farmville Central High School Wednesday, February 13, 2008 school classes for the Elimination of mobile units

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Auditorium) u ing year Technology .

POOmnuag year: * Feeder patterns, attendance areas and growing the small high schools
k ; * Future growth- new schools, additions/renovations

J, H. Rose High School Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Saclaees ren * Equity issues- auxiliary gyms, multipurpose rooms, science labs,

6:00 - 8:30 p.m. (Gymnasium) piease Contact the school. vocational classrooms. :

ae We hope that one of these Listening Sessions will fit your schedule and that you will be able to attend
A 21,2 8 * * . . :
North Pitt High School be ys y eg ran wet Your input is an important part of the planning process we will use to outline a long term plan forgur, J...
NG schools,
Schools Thursday, February 21,2008 ; :
) 6:30 - 8:00 pm. (Auditorium) Pitt County
} \ j
lr bnanteam 2 onan IEA IE OPN wghetntcr, iy one iMedia h 1. kt ee | ale

ol laa PY LLL oy oe ee

yar ys ©) Sa Lee

ee ee


View Image 7

Minority Voice February 1-15, 2008 pg7
everend John Earl F r. (Big John)
The family would like to express our sincere thanks, appre-
Ciation and support from everyone who has known our
Father, Reverend John Barnes,Sr.,and have been a part of
his life. Our Father Ts Love and memories will live on thru
us in legacy of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and his
work here on earth. We Love you so much, Daddy, you are
at Peace; no more pain just pure Love and Happiness.
x Kindest Regards,
i Monica Barnes Macedon

2, ae a
( ommunity Christian ?,? hurch

Arto 49 tes, TY? tH tu | gee a |
BeeCr CMe Cole CA CL? Ae pe fat Lo

February 14 Readers T Theater - oPlenty O T Good Room ?
Minisities in Scrun Van a 11:00 am " 1:00 pm, Room 153, Fulford Building
VUISUICS lO Serve You oPlenty O" Good Room: Togetherness in the Foreverness of a
Multicultural World ? "This PCC Readers T Theater Valentines
NUYrSery (ace: 13 Men Fellowship Day Celebration will feature African American literature and song

. = an about love and acceptance in a society often fraught with
ae unrest and unease. oChoose your seat and sit down ? for another
| | PCC Readers T Theater Love Fest une

Children 1 linish Viaee 4 Women I ellowship Sponsors: Arts and Sciences Division, SGA, and MAC

February 22 Friday Film Fest Series - oA Raisin in the Sun ?

bie Ta Repack Ee 11:00 am " 1:00 pm, Room 143, Leslie Building
Se a ie . . Sponsor: Arts and Sciences Division, SGA, and MAC .

February 28 Reel Moments & Real Moments in Black History

11:30 am " 1:00 pm, Room 153, Fulford Building
Panelists: Cherie Speller (Daily Reflector), Bernita Demery (CoG),

and Carlester Crumpler (ECU)

Sponsors: Student Support Services, SGA and MAC Community College
° e .

PEPSI Family Pack: 4 tickets, .

S40 GETS {poses

CoO Devoe One gnons
TVA Ry Sry DemaN em Gus. Coun value 1/200 6 16. UNR 2 omens per cmnpon, Ce ee 1/200 OF 16. Limit Fimo uets pes coupe:
©2007 Hardee's Fond Systems, ine AN Hah mserved., 22007 Hardee T Food Gysiemes. ine AW ngntn Heserved.


View Image 8

Minority Voice February 1-15, 2008 pg8

Sow A Seed

Failure to Yield
Joy R. Brown

Accidents?we Tve all had

one during some time in our
lives. Accidents?we Tve all
been the guilty party and the
innocent party in some of

the episodes. I remember

one accident that could have
been fatal, however, God _

allowed it to work
out in my favor. I
was On my Way to
work on Friday,
December 3, 2003.
At approximately

. 7:53am a black
truck pulled out in

~ my lane. The speed
limit was 55;
however you know
how we can do at
times. I was
approximately 55-
60 miles per hour
and ran into the
truck. My car was totaled,
airbags came out, the
windshield shattered in a.
million pieces and the front of
my car was smashed. How |
escaped the car accident with "
minor injuries, only God can "
explain. I received a few
bruises, soreness and glass in
my left hand. When the police
arrived on the scene, the
seventy-year old gentleman
who had previously pulled
out in front of me explained
to the police officer that he
saw me coming but failed to

yield. Failure to yield in this

- particular incident could have

cost my life and the
gentleman Ts life as well. How

many times have we failed to

yield, slow down and take "
caution when warning signs
are ahead of us? We see
visible signs or hear a still
calm voice speaking but
ignore it. Just as the
gentleman in my accident was
probably thinking, I can make
it before that car gets too
close; we assume the same in
our lives. We sometimes
believe that we can perform
an impulsive act and pull out
before any danger occurs,
How many people with that
same concept are in the grave,
in the hospital, living with
unwanted pregnancies? Many
times we believe that God is

trying to prevent us from

enjoying life but on the flip
side, He is preserving our
lives. God Ts plan and purpose
for us is to enjoy life to its
fullest. He wants us to live
life in the abundance, 3 John

and 2 says, oBeloved, I wish


; PEPSI! Family Pack:

$40 GETS

4 tickets
4 hot dogs
4 Pepsi drinks |

~~ interest. Now, apply this same "



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above all that you mayest
prosper and be in health, even
as your soul prospers. ? God Ts
ultimate desire is for us to -
love Him intimately and
passionately. If you truly love
someone, you willnot
purposely hurt him or her.
God wants the same thing, He
wants us to love Him. When
you love, you can trust. When
you trust, you will listen. For
example, I know my mother
loves me. Because I know
that she loves me, my mother
would never do anything to
hurt me or place me in harm Ts
way. Because she loves me
and she would not hurt me, I
have security in knowing that
if she gives me advice, it Ts
because she Ts concerned
about me: Therefore,Ican
trust her because she is
looking out for my best

concept to God. When He -
speaks of all, how
does He speaks to us? God
may speak to you through His
Word, through prayer (a time
of communicating with Him),
through another person or
through a song. Your spirit
must be opened to receive
from God in whatever way
He chooses to speak. When
He speaks, we must be so
secure in our relationship
with Him to know that if I
don Tt feel ogood ? about this
decision, this must be God Ts
way of warning us. Many
times, because we are human,
we ignore all the right sign

: aes ae 0

through enough, oIs this God
or is this Joy? ? dilemmas, I
can give you the best advice,
Weigh the options. Check out
the pros and cons of your
decision. Ask God for ©
directions. If your decision is
going to pull you away from
God, the answer is no. If it is
going to push you closer to
God and assist in fulfilling
your purpose and destiny, the
answer is yes, Listen for the
voice of God, know when to
80, stop, or yield, It pays to
be cautious. Joy R. Brown
Human Resources Benefits
Specialist 1125 Sugg Parkway
Greenville, NC 27834



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George Washington crops. Carver encouraged _ "_captain of the track team: |
Carver _ farmers to diversify and plant starting halfback on the football |

os Sweet potatoes and peas. In _team, and an honors student. For
1860-1943 oe order to make these crops more two years following graduation, |

| One of the best. profitable, Carver did extensive Drew taught and coached at
known __ Tesearch, producing more than Morgan College i in Baltimore,

| agricultural ~ "300 derivative products from eaming money to attend the

| Scientists of his | the peanut and 118 from the medical school atMcGill =|

generation; Sweet potato. In 1923 Carver University i in | Montreal. There he

| Carver was born into Slavery won the Spingam award, the became increasingly interested

| near Diamond Grove, Missouri. highest annual prize given by _ inthe general field of medical

| Slave raiders kidnapped Carver _ the National Association for the research and in the specific

| and his mother when he wasa Advancement of Colored ia problems of blood transfusion,

| six-week old infant, but his People. In 1938 he took " an After graduation from McGill inj

| owner allegedly ransomed back $30 000 "virtually his entire 1932, Drew did his three-year |
| the boy with a $300 prize race _life Ts savings "and founded the -Tesidency at Montreal his

'| horse. Although Carver had to George Washington Carver. ~ Hospital before joining the»

i) | work and live on his own while Foundation to continue his ee faculty of Howard University,

,| still a boy, he managed to finish work after his death. When he ag he was eventually

| high school and became the died in 1943 the rest ofhis appointed

[st African American student estate went tothe foundation, During the last decade of his is tie

|| to enroll at Simpson College in He was buried beside his great Drew continued his pioneerin 2 |

| Indianola, Iowa. He then put _friend and mentor, Booker T.

joe : research into the separation and |
|| himself through the Iowa Washington, on the Tuskegee preservation of blood. When the |

Asticultural College by campus. US. entered World War Il, he
| working as-a janitor, caming a Caites Drew vs was appointed head of the
! 1896 i in agricultural science, Furious at the official
|| The same year, Carver joined The man Who discovered the t policy that
| Booker T. Washington at the © Modem " ne
| Tuskegee Institute, directing Processes for Americans T blood would be
Tuskegee Ts agricultural _ presetving blood ziven only to members of their
research department for transfusions, si ti : hho past
continuously until his death in Charles Drew We le © signed
y oi "|_ from his post and retumed to.
1943. At Tuskegee, Carver stew up ina ti) sad Howard. In 1944 he became
| ing _ "- SOlid but poor " Se ae |
Concentrated on persuading... SOG Dil ~~ Chief of surgery at Freedmen Ts

Southern farmers toend their familyina Hospital in Washington, D.C
virtually exclusive reliance on Washington, D.C. ghetto. His tie gton, D.C.,

the cotton farming that had intelligence and athletic skill oa oie he is il
| leached the soil of nutrients, _ Won hima scholarship to ver oung Anica Amenicans

| a fo enter the field of medicine.
| producing increasingly poor Amherst College, where he was Drew died in a car crash in 1950.
oe is at i aa

neem men


View Image 10

Minority Voice. February 1-15, 2008 pg10

ee ee
¢ ee



mA) AD




4 7. Kulture Freedome Clothing, CMBC

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The Health Fair focuses on bringing attention to critical
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What Will Be Exhibited? Who Is Exhibiting?

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* Nutrition information * Community agencies

* Health screenings * Churches/faith groups

The Health Fair is a part of the Fourth Annual Jean Mills Health ;
Symposium ftom February 15-16. The symposium will address current
health issues affecting African Americans and Hispanic populations,
oRural Health in Bastern North Carolina, Meeting the Challenges ? will
feature presentations and posters by recognized leaders on various topics
- in health disparities, |

It is presented by the ECU College of Allied Health Sciences in \
collaboration with the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation,

Pitt Memorial Hospital Foundation, and Eastern Area Health Education

Visit millssymposium.cfm for more

Indiiduals reuesting accommodation under the Americans ith "_isabilities Act

AA should call oice at least hours r 7 lor to the eent


View Image 11

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View Image 12

ili ae a i

Minority Voice February 1-15, 2008 pg12
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The Minority Voice, February 1-15, 2008 (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.